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Kultivator, Friendfarm Exchange, Galijembe Province, Tanzania, 2013.
Kultivator is an experimental cooperation of organic farming and visual art practice, situated in the rural village of Dyestad, on the island Öland on the southeast coast of Sweden. By installing certain functions in abandoned farm facilities, near to the active agriculture community, Kultivator provide a meeting and working space that points out the parallels between provision production and art practice, between concrete and abstract processes for survival. Kultivator initiates and executes meetings between idealism and realism,hoping that fruitful cooperation’s should take form. Kultivator was founded in 2005 by artists Mathieu Vrijman, Malin Lindmark Vrijman and Marlene Lindmark and farmers Henric Stigeborn and Maria Lindmark, and is now an open group, with members varying from project to project.
Recent projects include; 2013; Friendfarm, Exchange between rural places, Tanzania – Sweden/ Composted mind, with Jana Fröberg, Dyestad, SE / Grans University, with M12, Colorado, US / Elders Hill, with M12, Dyestad, SE/ 2011 Camp, Post revolutionary exercises with Middle East artgroups, Århus DK, Dyestad, SE.
Recent exhibitions include; 2013; Elders Hill, Kalmar konstmuseum, Kalmar, SE/ 2012; Crosscultural Nomadic coffe cheese, Barents Spektakel, Kirkenes, NO / Gnestopia, Artlab Gnesta, SE / Gran´s University, Cirkulationscentralen, Malmö, SE / Top soil, Odla! Den blå Planeten, Botkyrka Konsthall, Botkyrka, SE / Timebanking, Astrid Noacks Atelier, Norrebro, Köpenhamn, DK / Utopiska projekt, Ölands museum, Himmelsberga, SE / Hungry City, Kunstlerhaus Bethanien, Berlin, DE / Fittja Open, Botkyrka Konsthall, Botkyrka, SE /Belgrade artfair. Culturni centra Beograd, SER / Cartographies of hope, Dox center for contemporary art, Prague, CZ / 2011; Ditch it, National Gallery, Liverpool Biennial, UK / Radical art practise, Group exhibition, Gallery 21, Malmö, SE / Alt_CPH, Copenhagen Alternative Artfair, Copenhagen, DK / Imagine farm, Århus Kunstbygning, Århus, DK / Lunch with cows, Halikonlahti Green art trilogy, Salo, FIN
rural/art dialogues